Frequently Asked Question's

Should I supply my own paint? If you are working with a professional paint company, it will make more sense to have the paint contracting company supply it. Even with the discounts that many paint stores offer (20-30%), you will still pay more for the material than the paint contractor will pay with his contractor pricing. Although there is contractors that up charge materials, we provide receipts and remain transparent throughout the whole process.

Should the contractor i go with be Licensed? Yes its best that they're Licensed and registered with Labor & Industries, That way it shows they're are professional, and take their business serious. Also should hold general liability insurance in case of any accident. Protects both the home and any worker on the property. You can verify a contractors credentials here

Do you provide Warranty? Yes we do, As any professional should. Time period of the warranty varies depending on service and product used.

Should a contractor have reviews? Recommended, but does not necessarily matter. In the age of AI and technology most of the major companies and freshly new start up companies, the reviews are bought through marketing companies. But, contractors should definitively have pictures of their previous work and provide references if needed.